2024.06.20 Github Latest AI Repos

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PyTorch Neural Network wrapper to help transition existing projects into the Mojo programming language.

Author: mytechnotalent Language: Mojo


The Landing Page of Aksara.

Author: aksara-inc Language: TypeScript


The Core App of Aksara.

Author: aksara-inc Language: TypeScript


This project that transforms natural language tasks into executable Linux shell commands. This tool bridges the gap between user-friendly language and the powerful capabilities of the command line, making it easier for users of all skill levels to leverage the full potential of Terminal.

Author: shreshthgoyal Language: Python


Chat bot using webLLM running in the browser using the GPU

Author: froma-dev Language: JavaScript


Predicts salaries based on years of experience, test scores, and interview scores using an AI model

Author: salihfurkaan Language: Jupyter Notebook


A collection of notebooks from my applied AI minor, featuring projects in machine learning, deep learning, and a neural network built from scratch.

Author: timknops Language: Jupyter Notebook


This repository provides the code for a lightweight Text Generation and Image Analysis API using FastAPI to interact with Google's Gemini API.

Author: andreger Language: Python


No description available.

Author: TaHa8Farag Language: Jupyter Notebook


predictive model that answers the question: “what sorts of people were more likely to survive?” using passenger data (ie name, age, gender, socio-economic class, etc).

Author: premy-punchu Language: Unknown


Smart medical chatbot called "Caroline" that helps in diseases's symptoms diagnosis

Author: BeboFekry Language: Python


Image to text generation. Upload your image and it will generate instagram post captions related to the picture

Author: ssk090 Language: TypeScript


A fine-tuned version of GPT2 trained on the alpaca-cleaned dataset.

Author: Rjonah321 Language: Python

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