2024.06.27 Github Latest AI Repos

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A simple extension to help you generate class, function and variable names when you just can't think of a good name.

Author: steveiliop56 Language: TypeScript


Fast format for datasets

Author: danijar Language: Python


The Personalized Financial News and Advisory Platform (NAP) is an innovative FinTech solution designed to provide users with tailored financial news insights and market analysis. This repository contains the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) implementation of NAP, developed as part of a FinTech assignment.

Author: Lybrust Language: Jupyter Notebook


This script builds, trains, evaluates, and tests a neural network for simple arithmetic operations. It loads data from a CSV file containing arithmetic problems, preprocesses it by scaling the features, and splits it into training and testing sets.

Author: JimmyVS Language: Python


This repository contains my journey through learning the fundamentals of machine learning, with a focus on PyTorch and neural networks.

Author: Tar-ive Language: HTML


ENGenieAI is designed to assist engineering students by providing an interactive learning experience. By leveraging advanced language models, ENGenieAI not only answers questions directly but also engages students in a Socratic manner, encouraging critical thinking and deeper understanding of engineering concepts.

Author: dipto8103 Language: Python


This Applications purpose is to allow for it’s users to take pictures of their own wardrobe and then have it digitally placed into a virtual wardrobe. This will allow for users to easily track, share, and create outfits for themselves without needing to waste time looking in their own physical wardrobe or what their needs might be.

Author: xx2saintxx Language: Swift


🏺 Identify, authenticate and valuate products using uploaded images.

Author: sourceduty Language: Unknown


Explore the power of Microsoft Phi-3 language model with this repository, featuring a versatile natural language processing tool. Leverage advanced text generation, summarization, and AI-driven creativity directly from the Phi-3 model. Dive into cutting-edge language capabilities for your projects.

Author: rubypoddar Language: Jupyter Notebook


👨‍💻 Develop, plan and create code challenges in any programming language.

Author: sourceduty Language: Unknown


This project showcases a custom Named Entity Recognition (NER) model using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) layers for precise entity predictions. The model is trained using a specific dataset and is integrated with a simple user interface built with HTML, CSS, and Flask.

Author: ivanrj7j Language: Jupyter Notebook


A basic CLI wrapper around Anthropic's Claude API to help out with terminal issues.

Author: logkirk Language: Python


20240501-20240831 프로젝트 내용

Author: ckdrms0113 Language: Python


Local AI Tool to help improve writing by interacting with the clipboard.

Author: bahelit Language: Go


Visualization of training and operation of a perceptron written from scratch in numpy

Author: AlexixRugis Language: Python


Inspired by a Kaggle dataset, this AI model predicts if an x-ray image shows pneumonia signs or not. The model was trained mainly using tensorflow and scikit-learn.

Author: Lina674 Language: Python


Generated Friday Factorio Facts using previous blogposts and AI (Claude Sonnet 3.5)

Author: piebro Language: Python

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