2024.06.28 Github Latest AI Repos

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Popular Short Video AI Creative Assistant 爆款视频脚本AI创作助手,结合了最先进的AI技术的视频脚本生成器,专为小红书等平台的视频创作者设计。通过调用Chat GPT-4.0的强大API,为您生成爆款视频标题、内容脚本以及最合适的标签(tag),帮助您快速提升内容质量,获得更多关注和点赞。

Author: Xikikin Language: Python


Predict the whole sequence and 3D structure of masked protein sequences with ESM by @evolutionaryscale

Author: AstraBert Language: Python


A modern and intuitive user interface, built with Next.js, for interacting with the WEG Energy PPC API. Streamline production control, automate tasks, and gain real-time insights through interactive dashboards, intelligent document search, and a conversational chatbot.

Author: RA4Z Language: TypeScript


Kompressor walks your code tree and organizes it into a single file. It creates an llm prompt at the top of the overview and detail about the location of each file. README.md files are also pulled in from root and at all levels of the project to assist AI with relevant context about that section.

Author: chuckjewell Language: Python


Deepfake Detector is an AI/ML model designed to detect AI-generated or manipulated images.

Author: mytechnotalent Language: Python


A greedy algorithm designed to complete the 8-puzzle in as little moves as possible.

Author: Thomasssb1 Language: Python


This app is designed to predict whether a customer will churn or not based on several features such as credit score, geography, gender, age, tenure, balance, number of products, credit card ownership, membership status, and estimated salary.

Author: Agomzyemeka Language: Python


Arcanum Cube is a cube puzzle on WebGL

Author: mawxiwtz Language: TypeScript


This Applications purpose is to allow for it’s users to take pictures of their own wardrobe and then have it digitally placed into a virtual wardrobe. This will allow for users to easily track, share, and create outfits for themselves without needing to waste time looking in their own physical wardrobe or what their needs might be.

Author: xx2saintxx Language: Swift


A basic CLI wrapper around Anthropic's Claude API to help out with terminal issues.

Author: logkirk Language: Python


Local AI Tool to help improve writing by interacting with the clipboard.

Author: bahelit Language: Go


No description available.

Author: Raufjatoi Language: Python


TranslationService is a service for translating one language into another. Can translate single words or paragraphs.

Author: EddyEduard Language: Python


Code and material for the class "Introduction to GenAI for Engineers"

Author: xtreamsrl Language: Jupyter Notebook

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