2024.09.05 Github Latest AI Repos

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Strategic Importance is Overrated

Author: iaseth Language: Unknown


GDRMUSIC - Escute músicas com amigos em tempo real, Busca por IA e sem anúncios!

Author: viniciusgdr Language: TypeScript


This repository serves as an organized archive of all the Skillshare courses I’ve completed. Each folder contains an overview of the course, along with links to individual repositories for the projects I’ve worked on. Explore various projects and resources, from AI to Python programming, all in one place!

Author: eaboulila Language: Unknown


faceswap ai cli

Author: thedr4c0 Language: JavaScript


👩🏻‍💻 Program and simulate computational logic circuits using Python.

Author: sourceduty Language: Unknown


NULL Implementer - Unleashing The Power Of Artificial Intelligence.

Author: NULL-Command Language: Python


This is a powerful, easy-to-use web AI translator built with Flask and utilizing advanced AI.

Author: Reiko0404 Language: HTML


A customizable AI-powered ChatBot React component with OpenAI GPT integration (GPT-3.5 by default, upgradeable to GPT-4). Includes message history, typing indicators, copy-to-clipboard, and responsive design using Tailwind CSS. Easy integration with modern frameworks like Vite and PostCSS.

Author: kgdatatech Language: JavaScript


CryptoLSTM-Predictor: A real-time cryptocurrency price prediction tool using LSTM neural networks and technical indicators (SMA, EMA, RSI, MACD, Bollinger Bands). Fetches live data from Binance via API and offers a Tkinter GUI for real-time monitoring and 30-minute price forecasting.

Author: massym01 Language: Python


ERP platforms are evolving around AI chatbots and virtual assistants. Discover how they enable faster, more defensible decision-making and better customer service. Learn AI Chatbot Development Benefits & Top Providers.

Author: MaryHill1 Language: Unknown


Model training code for fire segmentation on satellite RGB images

Author: DYDevelop Language: Jupyter Notebook


No description available.

Author: roushou Language: Rust


AI Best thing like wow fantacy jewelry Darkmoon Card: Greatness. 暗月卡片伟大, 装备: 当你进行治疗或对敌人造成伤害时,有一定几率获得伟大效果,总是会选择提升数值最高的那个属性。AI也是自动选择提升数值最高的自身属性,墙上加墙。

Author: programClown Language: C#


Comfy UI Workflows with Prompt and Generated Images

Author: sanjibnarzary Language: Unknown


🌀 data objects for Bash.

Author: kamangir Language: Unknown


This project involves building a chatbot for a clothing store using a fine-tuned GPT-2 model. The chatbot is designed to answer customer queries related to products, services, and store policies, and to handle out-of-scope questions gracefully.

Author: virajmane Language: Python


Transform your images into valuable insights and creative content using Google Gemini

Author: mukul-mschauhan Language: Python


AI Champions for Excellence: Fresh, informative courses and content designed to help developers, researchers, and leaders advance in the field of AI.

Author: neugence Language: Unknown


💨 Emerging research and management of atmospheric dynamics.

Author: sourceduty Language: Unknown


🪖 Sci-fi military submarine terminal simulator.

Author: sourceduty Language: Unknown

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