2024.09.10 Github Latest AI Repos

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No description available.

Author: Meryeme08 Language: Unknown


No description available.

Author: Lord-Casper Language: Unknown


No description available.

Author: Bellinzona Language: Unknown


Transform unstructured documents into actionable, structured data with enterprise-grade precision and reliability, ready for large-scale production environments.

Author: The-Swarm-Corporation Language: Python


🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️💾️📜️ The sourceCode:PogoScript category for AI2001, containing PogoScript programming language datasets

Author: seanpm2001 Language: R


2025 AI/ML internship & new graduate job list updated daily

Author: speedyapply Language: Unknown


🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️💾️📜️ The sourceCode:Polar category for AI2001, containing Polar programming language datasets

Author: seanpm2001 Language: R


AI-Rag-ChatBot is a complete project example with RAGChat and Next.js 14, using Upstash Vector Database, Upstash Qstash, Upstash Redis, Dynamic Webpage Folder, Middleware, Typescript, Vercel AI SDK for the Client side Hook, Lucide-React for Icon, Shadcn-UI, Next-UI Library Plugin to modify TailwindCSS and deploy on Vercel.

Author: arnobt78 Language: TypeScript


🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️💾️📜️ The sourceCode:Checksums category for AI2001, containing Checksums programming language datasets

Author: seanpm2001 Language: R


This project is an AI-driven chatbot trained on theoretical Computer Science subjects like DBMS, CN, OS, Blockchain and OOP. The bot answers questions based on content fed through pre-embedded PDFs using ChromaDB. The project offers both a command-line interface (CLI) and a user interface (UI) built using Streamlit.

Author: rohiit257 Language: Python


🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️💾️📜️ The sourceCode:Pike category for AI2001, containing Pike programming language datasets

Author: seanpm2001 Language: R


Example using gqlpt to speak plain text to any GraphQL api with generated types

Author: danstarns Language: TypeScript


A FastAPI-powered API for serving a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model trained on the MNIST dataset for handwritten digit recognition. The project leverages PyTorch for the model, and includes endpoints for prediction and serving, making it easy to integrate with other applications for real-time digit classification.

Author: LucaPalminteri Language: Python


PHP app in progress for finding movies based on ML and AI to suggest better movies based on preference and categories that you like

Author: arrosinski Language: Dockerfile


Abdal XSS AI Engine is an AI-powered tool designed to detect and prevent XSS attacks using deep learning and TF-IDF for feature extraction

Author: ebrasha Language: Python


Ferramenta de IA para análise de chamadas de vendas: transcrição automática, análise de sentimento e insights para melhorar o desempenho de SDRs usando modelos OpenAI.

Author: guifav Language: Jupyter Notebook


Yolov8 model finetuned on hands gun dataset on L4 GPUs

Author: AbdulHadi806 Language: Python


real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image

Author: mrezaakbari Language: Python


PS: This code is mostly written by various AI models including (Llima 3.1, GPT4o and Gemini 1.5 pro)

Author: NoodlesReturn Language: Unknown


wordquizify is an AI-driven vocabulary quiz generator that takes a list of words and automatically creates engaging quizzes.

Author: andrewimpellitteri Language: Python


offers plant care advice based on weather and plant type

Author: mikiyas-girma Language: CSS


AI Movie Search

Author: DennisKo Language: TypeScript


Demonstrates how to use Semantic Kernel and Kernel Memory in a polyglot notebook environment.

Author: NikiforovAll Language: Jupyter Notebook


Build an AI/ML Football Analysis system with YOLO, OpenCV, and Python

Author: demamano Language: Unknown


A JSONL generator to create training data for GPT3.5 and newer

Author: brianSalk Language: Python


App for generating 3D models with AI

Author: pananananas Language: TypeScript


A modern Warehouse/Lakehouse built on Apache Iceberg and Starrocks

Author: buster-so Language: HCL


HireAI leverages AI to connect job seekers with opportunities by aggregating data from various job boards. It provides personalized job matches and CV improvements to simplify the job search and enhance the hiring process.

Author: rutaganda-salim Language: TypeScript


🤖 Plan and develop automated corporate and employee programs.

Author: sourceduty Language: Unknown


📈 Measure the Improvement Value (IV) of products and services by focusing on four key dimensions: usability, efficiency, satisfaction, and impact.

Author: sourceduty Language: Unknown

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