Github AI News

2024.09.08 Github Latest AI Repos

llm-cloudflare An LLM CLI plugin for Cloudflare Workers AI models. Author: el...

2024.09.07 Github Latest AI Repos

Neo-AI Neo AI integrates into the Linux terminal, capable of executing system commands and providing helpful information. ...

2024.09.06 Github Latest AI Repos

MediTech MediTech is an innovative AI-driven Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system designed to streamline and enhance clinical doc...

2024.09.05 Github Latest AI Repos

strategic-importance Strategic Importance is Overrated Author: iaseth ...

2024.09.04 Github Latest AI Repos

Electronic-Voting-Machine---AI An Electronic Voting Machine Powered by AI. ATM like voting system. Phases included are Persons dete...

2024.09.03 Github Latest AI Repos

Electronic-Voting-Machine---AI An Electronic Voting Machine Powered by AI. ATM like voting system. Phases included are Persons dete...

2024.09.02 Github Latest AI Repos

comsu Comsu is a simple yet powerful command-line tool that leverages Google Generative AI to suggest high-quality, concise commit ...

2024.09.01 Github Latest AI Repos

-NFT-Art-Generator---Latest-Version NFTGenerator, DigitalArtCreation, CryptoArtTools, NFTArtwork, GenerativeDesign, BlockchainArtGe...

2024.08.31 Github Latest AI Repos

NoSQL-sales-exploration-using-ai Codeless data exploration on e-commerce sales using MongoDB Compass & Natural Language Query ...

2024.08.30 Github Latest AI Repos

AI2001_Category-Linguistics-SC-Yahgan 🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️🔠️🔢️ The linguistic:Yahgan category for AI2001, containing Yahgan languag...
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