Github AI News

2024.08.29 Github Latest AI Repos

coders AI coding assistant in rust Author: 0xKoda Languag...

2024.08.28 Github Latest AI Repos

pretzelduck Low cost end-to-end testing with Playwright and AI Author: ryanha...

2024.08.27 Github Latest AI Repos

anythingllm-extension Browser extension for AnythingLLM Docker & Desktop application ...

2024.08.26 Github Latest AI Repos

djuka_data My first Machine Learning model in scikit. Author: cagljevi ...

2024.08.25 Github Latest AI Repos

vanilla-agents This repository provides a flexible and customizable implementation of an advanced conversational AI agent, allowing...

2024.08.24 Github Latest AI Repos

AutoPureData Automated Filtering of Undesirable Web Data to Update LLM Knowledge ...

2024.08.23 Github Latest AI Repos

IoTAgents Seamlessly integrate IoT data with AI agents, enabling the effortless parsing, processing, and utilization of IoT data st...

2024.08.22 Github Latest AI Repos

cog-comfyui-xlabs-flux-controlnet Run controlnet with flux Author: fofr ...

2024.08.21 Github Latest AI Repos

codocx A ferramenta mais simples e fácil de usar para automatizar documentação de código ...

2024.08.20 Github Latest AI Repos

simplegemini Simple way to use Gemini from Go, including function calls / tools ...
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