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ViggleTranslation site

Viggle AI is a platform that uses AI to generate and control animated videos.



Viggle AI is an innovative video generation tool that uses the JST-1 model to create and control animated videos through text prompts. Users can transform static images into dynamic animated characters with simple descriptions. The platform is currently in beta and free to use.


  1. Mix: Blend static images with video clips to create animated videos.
  2. Animate: Directly generate actions for static characters based on text prompts.
  3. Ideate: Create new animated videos purely from text descriptions.


  1. Ease of Use: Operates through the Discord platform with a user-friendly interface.
  2. Free Access: Currently available for free during the beta phase.
  3. High-Quality Animation: Produces videos with high resolution and realistic motion portrayal.


  1. Learning Curve: New users may need time to get accustomed to using Discord.
  2. Limited Functionality: Primarily supports human character animation; other types may not be supported.

How to Use

  1. Join Viggle AI’s Discord server.
  2. Upload a clear, full-body front-facing image.
  3. Select a video clip (under 30 seconds, higher than 720p resolution).
  4. Use the /mix command to blend the image with the video to create animation.
  5. Use the /animate command to generate actions for the character based on text prompts.


Viggle AI offers users a simple yet powerful tool to quickly generate high-quality animated videos. Whether for educational content, entertainment, or marketing, Viggle helps users tell more vivid stories.

For more information, visit Viggle AI.

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