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SellestaTranslation site

Sellesta is an AI-powered ad optimization platform designed for e-commerce businesses, offering ad management and market research services to boost sales and conversions.



Sellesta focuses on optimizing e-commerce advertising using AI technology to help businesses manage and enhance their ad campaigns. Supporting platforms like Amazon, Google, and Facebook, it provides detailed market research and competitor analysis. Sellesta aims to improve ad performance and sales through data-driven strategies and intelligent tools.


Sellesta offers features such as:

  • Ad Management: Smart management for Amazon, Google, and Facebook ads.
  • Market Research: Market and competitor analysis to identify best products and strategies.
  • Sales Analysis: Real-time monitoring and analysis of sales data to optimize ad spending.
  • Automation Tools: Automates ad creation and optimization processes for efficiency.


  • Data-Driven: Strategies based on real data.
  • Multi-Channel Support: Integrates multiple ad platforms for comprehensive coverage.
  • User-Friendly: Simple, intuitive interface.
  • Sales Improvement: Enhances conversion rates and sales through optimized ad campaigns.


  • Learning Curve: Some advanced features require time to master.
  • Data Dependency: Effectiveness relies on the quality and accuracy of input data.

How to Use

  1. Access Website: Open the Sellesta platform.
  2. Register an Account: Create and log into your account.
  3. Configure Ads: Set up ad management and market research features as needed.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Use platform tools to monitor ad performance and make optimizations.


Sellesta offers a comprehensive ad optimization platform that leverages AI technology and data-driven strategies to help e-commerce businesses improve ad performance and sales. Despite requiring some learning time, its efficiency and multifunctionality make it an ideal choice for e-commerce ad optimization.

For more information, visit Sellesta.

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