Modao AI

Modao AI

Modao AI is an intelligent design platform by Modao, using AI technology to provide efficient prototyping and creative generation tools, enhancing design efficiency an...



Modao AI is an intelligent design platform that leverages AI technology to offer various design assistance features, helping users improve efficiency in prototyping and creative generation. The platform supports various design scenarios, including app prototyping, backend prototyping, and mini-program prototyping, providing end-to-end services from inspiration to design generation.


Modao AI offers features such as:

  • AI Text Assistant: Conduct AI conversations in the prototyping area to gain inspiration and creativity.
  • AI Component Generation: Generates various types of components, such as flowcharts, mind maps, and charts.
  • AI Prototype Page Generation: Quickly generates prototype pages based on language descriptions.
  • AI Intelligent Filling: Automatically fills in various text content, maintaining coherence and consistency.


  • Efficiency: Significantly speeds up the design process, saving time.
  • Versatility: Covers various design needs, highly adaptable.
  • User-Friendly: Simple and convenient interface.


  • Learning Curve: Some advanced features may take time to master.
  • Platform Dependency: Design effectiveness relies on platform stability and feature updates.

How to Use

  1. Access Website: Open the Modao AI platform.
  2. Register an Account: Create and log into your account.
  3. Select Tools: Choose the appropriate AI tools based on your needs.
  4. Generate and Optimize: Use the platform tools to generate and optimize design elements.


Modao AI, through its intelligent design tools and various assistance features, helps users quickly and efficiently complete design tasks. Despite requiring some learning time, its efficiency and versatility make it an ideal choice for design work.

For more information, visit Modao AI.

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